Thursday, August 25, 2011

Is Art Work?

Is art work? As I sit at my computer pondering this question other questions come to mind:

• Can something you truly enjoy be work?
• Can something that relieves all of the stress and tension of the day be work?
• Can creating something that can never be created again be work?
• Can something you have done and would do again for free be work?

On answering my own questions, I realized that I love art, would do it regardless and no in my opinion art is not work. I even enjoy the marketing, the networking and all of the other things that get people to look at my art. After all, what is art if no one sees it? Art should entertain. Art should inspire. Art should be fun.

Above are a few of my recent projects and be sure to check out my on-line galleries.



Frank Zweegers said...

Beautiful work!

Unknown said...

Thank you Frank!!!